Theme: JavaScript's version of a gladiator match – operators battling to give us the right answers! Today, you’ll become a champion of arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators. We’ll also have a True or False quiz at the end to test your operator skills!
1. Welcome to the Operator Arena! 🏟️
JavaScript has some powerful operators, and they fall into three main categories:
Arithmetic Operators: Perform math operations.
Comparison Operators: Help us compare values.
Logical Operators: Combine multiple conditions and return a boolean result.
2. The Champions of Arithmetic 🧮
These operators help us with basic math tasks like adding, subtracting, multiplying, etc. Let’s meet them:
Operator | Meaning | Example | Result |
+ | Addition | 5 + 2 | 7 |
- | Subtraction | 5 - 2 | 3 |
* | Multiplication | 5 * 2 | 10 |
/ | Division | 10 / 2 | 5 |
% | Modulus (remainder) | 5 % 2 | 1 |
** | Exponentiation (power) | 2 ** 3 | 8 |
Quick Math Fun 🧩
javascriptCopy codelet apples = 5;
let oranges = 3;
let totalFruits = apples + oranges;
console.log(`I have ${totalFruits} fruits.`); // Output: I have 8 fruits.
💡 Mini Challenge: What’s the result of 15 % 4
? (Answer: 3)
3. Comparison Operators: Truth or Dare? 🤔
These operators compare two values and return true or false.
Operator | Meaning | Example | Result |
== | Equal to | 5 == '5' | true |
=== | Strictly equal (type + value) | 5 === '5' | false |
!= | Not equal | 5 != 3 | true |
!== | Strictly not equal | 5 !== '5' | true |
> | Greater than | 5 > 2 | true |
< | Less than | 5 < 2 | false |
>= | Greater than or equal to | 5 >= 5 | true |
<= | Less than or equal to | 3 <= 5 | true |
Quick Comparison Fun 🎯
javascriptCopy codelet age = 18;
console.log(age >= 18); // Output: true (Eligible for voting!)
💡 Mini Challenge: Is '5' == 5
true or false? (Answer: true)
Why? Because ==
checks only value, not type!
4. Logical Operators: The Strategy Masters 🧠
These operators let you combine multiple conditions. The result is either true or false.
Operator | Meaning | Example | Result |
&& | AND (Both conditions must be true) | true && false | false |
` | ` | OR (At least one condition must be true) | |
! | NOT (Reverses the truth) | !true | false |
Logical Fun 🧩
javascriptCopy codelet isSunny = true;
let haveUmbrella = false;
if (isSunny || haveUmbrella) {
console.log("I'm ready to go outside!"); // Output: I'm ready to go outside!
} else {
console.log("Better stay in.");
💡 Mini Challenge: What will !(5 > 3)
return? (Answer: false)
5. Quiz Time: True or False? 🧐
Test your operator knowledge! For each question, guess whether the result will be true or false.
javascriptCopy codeconsole.log(10 > 5 && 5 < 2);
Your Guess: 🤔 (Answer: false)
javascriptCopy codeconsole.log('10' == 10);
Your Guess: 🤔 (Answer: true)
javascriptCopy codeconsole.log(5 % 2 === 1);
Your Guess: 🤔 (Answer: true)
javascriptCopy codeconsole.log(false || true);
Your Guess: 🤔 (Answer: true)
javascriptCopy codeconsole.log(!(5 === '5'));
Your Guess: 🤔 (Answer: true)
6. Recap: What Did You Learn Today?
Arithmetic Operators: Add, subtract, and divide your way to victory!
Comparison Operators: Compare values and see who’s bigger.
Logical Operators: Combine conditions and control logic.
7. Fun Practice Challenge: Pizza Party Planner 🍕
Imagine you’re planning a pizza party! Use operators to make sure only guests with enough pizza money or coupons are allowed in.
javascriptCopy codelet hasPizzaMoney = true;
let hasPizzaCoupon = false;
if (hasPizzaMoney || hasPizzaCoupon) {
console.log("You're invited to the pizza party! 🍕");
} else {
console.log("Sorry, no pizza for you. 😢");
Great Job! 🎉 Tomorrow, you’ll dive into Conditionals – JS Drama 🥷, where you’ll decide the fate of your code using if-else statements! 🧑💻 Keep practicing, and see you tomorrow!